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gift ideas
4 Articles
Gift Giving Ideas: Affordable & High Quality Personalized Jewelry from...
DUNALI introduces the design concept of high-end ready-to-wear jewelry at affordable prices and it is...
Cute Anywhere Outfit Idea | Quick Ship – Gift Ideas...
It is pretty pathetic but I am literally running errands everyday! I try to combine all of my errands...
Awesome Apparel Gift Ideas for NFL Football Fans
It is football season, and football is America's favorite sport to watch. It is the time of the year...
Spending Time With Your Honey Without Spending Money + Jord...
Albert and I love to get our home ready for the holidays. Christmas time is such a fun and special...
About me

Debbie Savage
Hi I'm Debbie! Welcome to my blog where I document my 40-something life. Let's celebrate the beauty and wisdom that comes with age
A Eulogy for My Brother | Tips to Writing and...
December 4, 2019
What Color Shoes Would Look Nice With a Brown Colored...
January 28, 2020
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